Photographer in 大阪市, 日本
Live in Osaka,Japan, working Domestic Logistics company.
in the company , i have a variety of tasks that necessary to the company. management business, digital publishing, budgeting, brand strategy,and others.
often i take a photos StrayCats livin' OsakaCity. upload instagram. If you're using , let's be friends with instagram(press instagram icon below)
Likes RAVE, punk rock and harmonics. I like people who like cats. I also play piano and try my hand at silver accessories. I would die without change.
SIGMA Quattroを片手に西成、難波、天王寺界隈を中心に全国津々浦々を活動域として、野良猫達を追う日々を少しずつポストしています(下のインスタアイコンからどうぞ)。